
Here is the part where you can find out all of the secrets of my past-----at least, those that aren't "secret"! In my short biography, I have written about my life up to this point. But, like they say, "It ain't over until it's over." So stay tuned for more.

Life is an adventure. Rarely do we know what is coming next, but once it is there, that is where we are. Some adventures are good adventures; some are not so good. Some adventures we choose to remember; some we consciously or subconsciously forget. Some of our adventures we would like to go back and relive, if we could; others we try hard not to repeat. In the pages that follow, you can read about some of my adventures and some of my misadventures. You can see some of the places I have been; meet some of the people I have known; and learn about some of the things I have done. Have fun----and let me know what you think.

The Early Years

Click the photo of me and my favorite cow to read about some of my life in small-town U.S.A. (I couldn't stand to eat or even think of eating beef for a month after my favorite cow became hamburger.)

The Army Years

Go ahead and click the picture of me receiving my PFC stripes to read about my glorious military career. Don't look for my name in the rertired general's list. You won't find it.

My "Army in Vietnam" Years

Even though I didn't want to go, these were the years that probably changed my life and influenced my life the most. I grew up, acquired a love of travel and adventure, and learned that I could cope with life. Even in the midst of war, I fell in love with Vietnam. Click and check it out.

The "Post-Army" Years

This is me looking over some fruit in a Saigon market---probably as a staged photo opportunity. If you click on the bananna, you can read about my trials and tribulations as Chief of Education for the International Voluntary Services in Vietnam.

The Teaching Years

If you click on the intellectual guy in the picutue, you can find out all the things you need to know about my 40 or so years in education. This, of course, is not the entire story. I will tell that after I retire.